Bible discussion

Time together to look at and consider part of the Bible.

We talk about it and find out how our lives are affected.

BiblesBefore we get together we will have agreed what subject is going to be discussed. The subjects are often grouped under a general theme. Guidance will have been given as to which parts of the Bible relate to the subject so people can read what is relevant.

There are Bible discussion resources available, including questions to get people thinking before gathering together.

At the Bible discussion people share what they have already discovered and together we talk about it.

We seek to understand what the Bible says about the chosen subject:-

-  what it meant when it was first written

-  what it means in today’s world

-  how that changes what we believe and

-  how that affects the way we live now.

We always aim to be very practical!

Here are details of our current Bible discussion topics.

7:30pm for 8:00pm. We finish by 10:00pm at the latest.

You would be very welcome to come along just to see what it's like.

We get together at 9, Linton Court, Skipton BD23 2TH

You can contact us if you need more information.


Page last updated: Wednesday 15th November 2017 4:46 PM
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