Show and Tell

How God is involved in a person's journey of life.

A person will have volunteered to bring something to show the rest of the group. This could include a picture, a piece of music, a book, some words from the Bible, a poem, an object or anything else.

The person will then tell why this is special to them and explain how it is helping their journey of life at this time.

These events usually spark lively discussion and are a very easy way to get to know other people.


Our next 'Show and Tell' event is on

  • Thursday 25 April 2019.


7:30pm for 8:00pm. We finish by 10:00pm at the latest.

Why not come along?

You would be very welcome and you can just listen if you wish.

We get together at 9, Linton Court, Skipton BD23 2TH

You can contact us if you need more information.



Page last updated: Thursday 18th April 2019 3:55 PM
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